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    Colour Breathing and Healing Meditation


    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Location : Luton Bedfordshire

    Colour Breathing and Healing Meditation Empty Colour Breathing and Healing Meditation

    Post by sarah Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:55 am

    Colour Breathing and Healing Meditation

    Find a quiet space for this 15-minute meditation and put on some soft relaxing music.

    Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine that you have roots, like tree roots, coming out of your feet and going into the earth. Feel those roots spreading down and anchoring you to the earth’s core.

    Take a nice deep breath in and with this breath breathe in the colour red into your base Chakra. Feel this deep red healing your whole skeleton and beginning to flow around your circulatory system.
    Continue breathing the colour red into your base centre allowing you to feel safe and grounded, and with your outward breaths allow the red energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colour orange into your sacral Chakra. Feel the orange healing your reproductive organs, colon, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. Continue breathing the colour orange into your sacral Chakra, allowing your body to feel nurtured, and with your outward breaths allow the orange energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colour yellow into your solar plexus Chakra. Feel the yellow healing your small intestine, kidneys, liver, stomach and adrenals; imagine that a big sun is shining from this wonderful Chakra. Continue breathing the colour yellow into your solar plexus Chakra, allowing your body to feel full of self worth, and with your outward breaths allow the yellow energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colours green and magenta into your heart Chakra. Feel the green and magenta healing your heart, lungs and lymphatic system. Continue breathing the colours green and magenta into your heart Chakra, allowing your body to feel full of unconditional love and respect for yourself and all of creation, and with your outward breaths allow the green and magenta energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colour blue into your throat Chakra. Feel the blue healing your throat, mouth, nose and ears. Continue breathing the colour blue into your throat Chakra, allowing your body to feel full of trust, and with your outward breaths allow the blue energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colour indigo into your third eye Chakra. Feel the indigo healing your pituitary and pineal glands and your whole endocrine system and become aware of your body balancing and relaxing. Continue breathing the colour indigo into your third eye Chakra, allowing your body to feel fully supported, and with your outward breaths allow the indigo energy to flow into your aura.

    With your next inward breath, breathe in the colour ultra violet into your crown Chakra. Feel the violet healing your mind, body and soul; begin to feel a wonderful sense of loving energy connecting you to the unconditional love of spirit. Continue breathing the colour violet into your crown Chakra, allowing the energy in your whole body to feel fully connected to yourself, the earth and the universal life force energy.
    With your outward breaths now feel all the colours of the rainbow flowing through you and all around you. Continue to breath normally. Sit in this loving energy for a few moments, you may want to send some healing to loved ones, the earth etc Bring your attention to your crown Chakra and feel the rainbow light closing this Chakra thinking about love, those you love and how you are so loved.

    Follow that rainbow light down through your third eye seeing love in every aspect of your life, down through your throat, speaking with love and into your heart sharing and giving love, moving down into your solar plexus being grateful for love and into your sacral Chakra nurturing love and finally your base Chakra grounding that love and bringing it from spirit back through you and to the earth. Feel your Chakras all gently closing like petals of a lotus flower and sealing in the rainbow colours.
    Feel that energy going all the way down to your feet and into your roots feeling your roots coming back up into your feet.

    And when you are ready open your eyes.

      Current date/time is Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:41 pm