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    Reiki Experience

    mia 26

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2011-03-07

    Reiki Experience Empty Reiki Experience

    Post by mia 26 Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:05 am

    I have been a healer for a few years. I have met some very special people over these years.

    I was on the bus one day when i spotted a shop and decided to have a look around. It was a new age shop that sold crystals, clothing, tarot cards and all that jazz.

    I think i wanted to buy everything in that shop lol, and everytime i hopped on the bus it drew me to it. So i had to go in and browse around. The owner was a lovely lady called Joanna, a psychic medium and i always thought what a fitting job for her. We became good friends, and it was her that persuaded me to try my hand at reiki.

    So i enrolled on a reiki 1 course and haven't looked back since. I was attuned to reiki by another nice lady called Dawn. Who ran multiple courses in her workshop above the shop. Things like psychic developement, bach flower, tarot courses. Loads of stuff, i was in my element.

    I absolutely love reiki its calming and soothing, and my friend offered to be my guinea pig. Which was great for a newbie starter, i jumped at the chance.

    My friend sat in a chair, as i could not afford a therapy couch at the time. A chair is just as good anyway. The person only needs to take their shoes off so they are comfy. You DO NOT have to remove your clothes as reiki will pass through. Reiki is japenese. Rei - means Spiritual Wisdom that is universal. Ki - means life force, vital, universal life force.

    I placed my hands slighty away from her head working within her aura. You do this over the seven main chakras. You might experience tingles, heat or coolness. Everyone is different, there is no right or wrong. When i got to her heart chakra, it was such a strange feeling. It was like a magnet repelling i felt like she had pushed my hand away very firmly. All she said was oh that tickles. I just think she did not require healing in that area or was not ready for healing in that area at that time. About time we finished the session we both felt very relaxed. It was great to catch up with her and have this experience, plus she was a really good guinea pig lol.


    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Location : Luton Bedfordshire

    Reiki Experience Empty Re: Reiki Experience

    Post by sarah Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:12 am

    Aww thank you for sharing that Mia. I think i could do with some reiki on my shoulder. I seem to have aquired some aches and pains recently. It sounds totally relaxing xx

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