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    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings


    Posts : 64
    Join date : 2011-01-29
    Location : Luton Bedfordshire

    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings Empty The Reiki Symbols And Meanings

    Post by sarah Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:25 pm

    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings Japanesecharacterofreiki

    The Japanese Character of Reiki

    In Second and Master level of Reiki you will have access to the Special Sacred Reiki Symbols and words. These are handed down from Master to Master and are used for attuning other initiates into your Reiki Linage. But more importantly they can be used for healing and protection.

    Reiki Symbols are means of focusing your attention in order to connect with "specific" healing frequencies.
    Using different symbols will boost up the Reiki energy.


    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings ChoKuRei


    Pronunciation "choh-koo-ray"

    Alias: "The Power Symbol"
    meaning: "God and Man Coming Together" or "I have the key"

    The primary use of this Symbol is to increase Reiki power. It draws Energy from around you and it focuses it where you want to.

    Make the sign over the client (or yourself) and say (silently) the words Cho Ku Rei 3 times.

    It is the all-purpose symbol. It can be used for anything, anywhere;

    * For on the spot treatments

    * To cleans negative energies

    * Spiritual protection

    * On food, water, medicine, herbs

    * In sick rooms and hospitals

    * To aid manifestation

    * To empower other Reiki Symbols

    * To seal energies after the treatment, etc.

    If you wish to use the symbol to bring Energy to yourself, reverse it.

    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings Seiheiki

    Pronunciation: say-hay-key

    Alias: The Mental/Emotional Symbol

    Meaning: God and Man Coming Together or Key to the Universe

    It is used primary for mental/emotional healing and calming the mind. It is very good for:

    * Psychic protection

    * Cleansing

    * In meditations to activate Kundalini

    * To balance the right and left brain

    * Aid for removing addictions

    * For healing past traumas

    * Clears emotional blockages and aligns the upper chakras.

    * Remove negative energies and bad vibrations

    Sei He Ki restores emotional balance and harmony.

    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings Honshazeshonen

    Pronunciation: Hanh-shah-zay-show-nen

    Alias: The Distance Symbol

    Meaning: The God ( The Buddha, the Christ,..) in Me Greets the God in You to Promote Enlightenment and Piece

    This is the Distant Healing Symbol and it is used to send Reiki over distance and time (past,present, future), to anyone and anything.

    It is also drawn when sending a distant attunement.

    The Reiki Symbols And Meanings Daikomyo



    Pronunciation: dye-ko-me-o

    Alias: The Master Symbol

    It is the most powerful symbol in the Reiki group. It can be used only by Reiki Masters.

    This symbol is used to heal the soul. Since it deals with the soul and our spiritual self it heals disease and illness from the original source in the aura/energy fields.

    It helps to provide enlightenment and piece. It also allows to become more intuitive and psychic.

    With practice this symbol brings profound life changes.


    They can be activated in any of the following ways:

    * By drawing them with your palm centre

    * BY drawing them with your finger

    * By visualizing them

    * By drawing them with your third eye

    * By spelling the symbol's name three times.

    You can use whatever method you wish, but don't forget that it's the intent that counts.

    Where to apply them during a healing?

    First place the symbol(s) on your own hands/palms and then redraw or visualise the same symbols on:

    * The clients crown chakra

    * The areas to be treated (if known)

    * The clients hands/palms

    If you can not recall a Reiki symbol, use the "alias", because both have the same energy.

    With practice the symbols will become less relevant and the focus will change to the "intent" of the specific energies required.

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